Ghost net Help
Ghost nets are commercial fishing nets that have been lost, abandoned, or discarded at sea. Every year they are responsible for trapping and killing millions of marine animals. Ghost gear is typically entangled in reefs and wrecks, and its removal can be complicated. If you have found any ghost nets or want to find out how you can help, we recommend trying to contact one of the groups below.
Ghost Fishing was set up around 2015 by dedicated divers to try to remove this lost equipment from the marine environment. Divers survey the site and record any sea life it has trapped before removing it. They have a team operating in the South West
Clean Ocean Sailing is a volunteering project created with the aim of cleaning our coasts and oceans sustainably under sail, raising awareness about ocean plastics. They are restoring a 110-year old boat and use it to sail to ​inaccessible shores on the Isles of Scilly. If you want to get involved with ocean clean ups contact COS.
Fathoms free is a Cornwall based organisation that has diving teams for ghost net retrieval and volunteers that run campaigns for awareness the issues and impacts of ghost nets on the environment. They are supported by The National Trust, who own some of Cornwall's coastline, allowing them to access more remote dive sites.